MFE EDGE Scanner
أطلب من الشركةThe 30 kgs MFE Edge features a pivoting handle that fits tight against the storage tank shell, manual and mapping modes, and a real-time display. The MFE EDGE Scanner with its corrosion mapping capabilities and new features is a real revelation. It's the way to improve drastically the tank floor inspection reliability and accuracy. Avoid any failures of holes and localized severe soil-side corrosion pitting at the critical zones. The Edge scanner would be at best to finally eliminate this inspection gap. The Edge Scanner has shown very remarkable performance. Its precision to locate 100% metal losses or holes along the critical zone is noteworthy.
The 30 kgs MFE Edge features a pivoting handle that fits tight against the storage tank shell, manual and mapping modes, and a real-time display. The MFE EDGE Scanner with its corrosion mapping capabilities and new features is a real revelation. It's the way to improve drastically the tank floor inspection reliability and accuracy. Avoid any failures of holes and localized severe soil-side corrosion pitting at the critical zones. The Edge scanner would be at best to finally eliminate this inspection gap. The Edge Scanner has shown very remarkable performance. Its precision to locate 100% metal losses or holes along the critical zone is noteworthy.