ndtcorner.com is a digital platform and unique open access portal for NDT fans, professionals, and pioneers where they can find everything Non-Destructive Testing related and providing a smart access community to connect, share knowledge and news, post events, access inspection resources, show & sell and buy products, promote brands and services.
We also publish a quarterly inspection magazine “NDT SCOOP” in electronic & printed copies to all NDT related industries. ndtcorner.com/magazine
The NDT Corner takes great pride in helping Asset Integrity Engineers and Unemployed in NDT to reach, communicate, interact and check out with experts in equipment manufacturers & suppliers, service providers, plant operators, and distributors particularly in the Arabian, Middle East, and Africa and generally global market.
Users & Visitors can see the entire NDT market through the Platform Sections: NDT business directory, Engineers List, Equipment Shop, Courses, Library & Blogs, Jobs and more.
Advertise and promote your NDT brand, products & Services and enlarge your organization’s reach with NDT Corner and NDT SCOOP magazine and secure that your organization has a strong sight across the NDT industry.
We transforming traditional searching, reaching, shopping, and marketing services into smart, quick, and accessible solutions by investing in digitalization to serve tomorrow's needs besides taking the power of the industry to the highest level.
All platform and magazine content is freely accessible!
To be at the lead of the NDT market change, build the future, and roll aspirations into reality.